E. coli (Escherichia coli) is the name of a germ, or bacterium, that lives within the digestive tracts of people and animals.

There are various forms of E. coli, and most of them do not cause harm. However some can lead to bloody diarrhea. Some lines of E. coli bacteria may also cause severe anemia or kidney failure, which is able to lead to death

Various strains of E. coli are known to cause urinary tract infections or other infections.

A person can get an E. coli infection by contact with the feces, or stool, of humans or animals. It will occur while you drink water or consume food that has been contaminated by feces.

E. coli can get into meat in the course of processing. If the contaminated meat is just not cooked to 160°F (71°C), the microorganism can live on and infect you whilst you consume meat. This is essentially the most common way humans end up contaminated with E. coli. Any meals that have been in contact with raw meat may additionally become infected.

Other foods that can be infected with E. coli include:

  • Raw milk or dairy products
  • Raw fruits and vegetables
  • coli in water

The main symptoms of an E. coli intestinal infection are:

  • Bloody diarrhea
  • Stomach cramps
  • Nausea and vomiting

When E. coli causes serious problems with the blood or kidneys, symptoms include:

  • Pale skin
  • A fever
  • Weakness
  • Bruising
  • Passing only small amounts of urine


Your physician may suspect that you have an E. coli infection after he or she asks you questions and does an exam. Your stool will be tested for E. coli.



Your main treatment is to make yourself comfortable and drink water since E. coli infection gets cured of its own.

If you probably have bloody diarrhea that may be from an E. coli infection, do not take diarrhea treatment or antibiotics. These drug treatments can slow down the digestion approach, enabling more time on your body to absorb the poisons made by E. coli. Consult your doctor for the best approach.

In some humans, E. coli infection can cause critical issues with the blood and kidneys. These people might have blood transfusions or dialysis. Dialysis is a therapy that helps filter waste merchandise from the blood when the kidneys don’t seem to be working properly.

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