Stretch marks resulted when someone grows quickly, or puts on weight quickly; the tissue under the skin becomes overstretched and leaves fine scars under the top layer of the skin.

These scars start off being pink, purple, red or brown, but they fade over time leaving a thin silvery line. In the early stages you can feel a dent in the skin when you run your finger over a stretch mark. These marks often show up on breasts, thighs, (especially the top part), hips, abdomen and bottom.

Stretch marks can appear when:

  • Girls, or boys, are having sudden growth spurts, like during puberty
  • Women are pregnant
  • Athletes are training hard, especially if they do body building exercises
  • Someone is obese (say oh-bees), which means they have too much body fat
  • People have to use steroids for medical reasons for several weeks – maybe they have really bad asthma.

Over time the red or purple color usually disappears until they become faint silvery lines, which are not so noticeable.

Stretch marks will never fully go away again but if they worry you, you can make them less noticeable by wearing the right dress.

Once you have finished growing and the stretch marks have faded you will hardly notice them. However, if you feel really worried by the time you reach your 20’s, then a dermatologist [skin doctor] or plastic surgeon may be able to reduce the appearance of your stretch marks. The techniques used are pretty expensive and it’s a good idea to wait until your growing teen years are over.

Expensive creams and lotions cannot help you get rid of stretch marks.

Many people get some stretch marks, but a lot of people don’t get any even if they are overweight or they grow quickly.

You cannot prevent stretch marks to appear. Your genes play a large part in whether or not you get stretch marks and even if you are slim, fit and healthy, and use lots of moisturizers and creams, you may still get them.

Moisturizers and creams can’t help. The stretch marks happen under the top layers of the skin where the creams can’t reach.

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