Fitness, when talk by sports professional, often split into three areas:  Stamina, Strength and Flexibility


Stamina or endurance is the ability of your body to continue fitness activities for a long time. To improve this kind of fitness you need to do aerobic exercise. Aerobic exercises strengthen your heart and lungs, activities that improve stamina may include:

  • Brisk walking
  • Jogging
  • Swimming
  • Cycling
  • dancing

Strength and Power

If your muscles are strong and well developed, they will support your joints and lessen the risk of injury. Anaerobic activities increase your strength and power, and build up your muscles.

Flexibility and suppleness

This means that your body is able to go through all its regular movements without any pain. Your body needs to have regular movement or your tendons. The stringy tissues that fasten your muscles to your bones, if not exercised, get tight and you find it harder to do things like touch your toes or scratch your back.

Some activities, like bike riding, exercise your heart and lungs, and at the same time strengthen your muscles.

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