Blood lipids are fat-like substances found in your blood and body tissues that enables your body to work normally.Your body needs only small amounts of it, excess amount of blood lipids can cause fat deposits in your artery walls, increasing your risk for heart disease.

Cholesterol is the main lipid. It is made up of different parts such as:

  • LDL cholesterol, or “bad” cholesterol, is the main lipid that causes damaging buildup and blockage in your arteries.
  • HDL cholesterol is actually a “good” type of cholesterol that helps to prevent cholesterol from building up in your arteries.
  • Triglyceride is another lipid that may increase your risk for heart disease.


A blood test called a complete lipid profile can help determine whether your blood lipids are high or low.



If your lipids are not at the right levels, you can do the following to improve them.

  • Your doctor may recommend that you follow a diet low in saturated fats and cholesterol.
  • You may also need to increase your activity level.
  • In some cases, you may also need to take a medication to help lower your lipid levels.

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