Brittle Diabetes is a severe form of diabetes characterized by an up and down of blood sugar levels. These swings in glucose can affect quality of life and even lead to hospitalization. This condition have made uncommon through the advances in managing diabetes. However, it is still a concern among diabetics as a sign that your blood sugar is poorly managed.

The best way to prevent brittle diabetes is to follow a health plan set forth by your doctor.

Hypo- and hyperglycemic symptoms are common signs of brittle diabetes due to fluctuations in blood sugar.

Symptoms of extremely low blood sugar can include:

  • dizziness
  • weakness
  • irritability
  • extreme hunger
  • trembling hands
  • double vision
  • severe headaches
  • sleeping difficulties

High blood glucose in brittle diabetes can cause:

  • weakness
  • increased thirst and subsequent urination
  • vision changes
  • dry skin

People with diabetes experience these symptoms when blood sugar levels are occasionally off. The difference is that brittle diabetes creates frequent changes in these symptoms without warning.


The primary treatment for this condition is balancing the blood sugar. One good way is by following a health plan set forth by your doctor. Due to the ups and downs of glucose, you may not respond to insulin the way you should. Subcutaneous insulin pumps are the most effective tool for controlling brittle diabetes.

Some people with brittle diabetes still experience blood sugar fluctuations despite treatment. A pancreas transplant may be required in severe cases. However, this is rare because brittle diabetes often responds positively to changes in treatment.

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