Blood glucose testing or blood glucose is the process used to measure the concentration of glucose in your blood. It is one of the main tools involved in controlling diabetes.

Blood glucose testing can be carried out at home using a blood glucose meter. This test involves pricking your finger with a small needle called a lancet, drawing a drop of blood from the finger and applying it to a test strip that has been engaged into a blood glucose meter.



Blood glucose testing can help you monitor your blood sugar levels, hence it control diabetes by:

  • Informing food choices and portion quantities
  • Assisting medication dosing decisions
  • Identifying periods of high or low blood glucose levels

This can lead to:

  • A reduction in HbA1c (improved long-term glycemic control)
  • A lower risk of serious diabetic complications
  • Reduced depressive symptoms
  • Improved confidence in self-management of diabetes


Who should take blood glucose testing?

  • People with diabetes– They could benefit a lot if they are provided with education on how to interpret their results and take appropriate action to improve their control.  It will help them make decisions to maintain and improve their diabetes control.
  • People who take insulin– as well as people who take certain tablets like sulfonylureas to determine whether their blood glucose levels becomes too low.

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