Practicing Calorie Restriction

A restricted diet of this sort aims to reduce the intake of calories to a level 20-40% lower than is typical, while still providing all the necessary nutrients and vitamins. Practitioners of this calorie restriction with optimal nutrition” or CRON, have accumulated many years of experience in how best to achieve this end. Mild CR can be as easy as adopting a much healthier diet, taking a few supplements and not eating snacks.

What you should do?

  • Pay Attention to Calories- Counting calories is a good thing, and something that you have to pay attention to. Your body will let you eat far more than is good for you, so your brain is going to have to take over managing the process. Almost everything you buy from the grocery or supermarket has the calorie content listed on the packet.
  • Remember the Supplements- You should always take a good multivitamin supplement when practicing calorie restriction. It is because in reality, most people who’s living a busy life may not obtain all the vitamins and micronutrients needed by their body.
  • The Water Trick- A very helpful tactic for those practicing calorie restriction is to drink a glass of water when first feeling hungry. If you are still hungry twenty minutes later, then maybe it’s time to think about eating.
  • It’s just a diet- The key to health through diet is a relaxed attitude. If you slip up, let it go. Keep at it, do better next time, and work on the average. Remember that a diet is simply a tool to make you healthier, and thus enable you to keep up with what you enjoy in life.


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