What is a healthy weight?

A body mass index and waist size is used to tell if you have a healthy weight. But reaching a healthy weight isn’t just about reaching a certain number on the scale or a certain BMI. Healthy eating and exercise habits is very important. A healthy weight lowers your risk for health problems including:

  • Heart disease.
  • Stroke.
  • High blood pressure.
  • Type 2 diabetes.
  • Sleep apnea.


Is dieting helpful to have a healthy weight?

There is a lot of pressure to be thin in today’s society. Being thin has very little to do with good health. Many of us long to be thin, even though we’re already at a healthy weight. So we get desperate, and we turn to diets for help.

  • Diets don’t work.
    • When you diet, you’re usually not eating the way you will need to eat over the long term. However, when you quit dieting, the extra weight comes back
    • Dieting prevents you from eating many of the food you love to eat. So when you quit dieting, you return to eating those foods as much as you used to-or more and extra weight comes back.
    • Dieting often means eating so little food. This will not give you enough energy and make you feel hungry all the time.So when you quit dieting, you return to eating as much as you did before-or more. And the extra weight comes back.
    • Most diet programs don’t include an increase in activity, which is vital to staying at a healthy weight. So when you quit dieting, the weight comes back.
  • Dieting can actually be bad for you.
    • After they quit dieting, most people regain the weight they lost-and many gain even more.
    • Many diets do not include the right balance of foods to keep you healthy.
    • Dieting leads to eating disordersin some people.
    • Some people feel so defeated after repeatedly failing to lose weight and keep it off that they give up altogether on healthy eatingand being active.


What you should do to have a healthy weight?

Here are three steps in reaching a healthy weight:

  1. Improve your eating habits. Do it slowly. You will be more successful if you pick just one eating habit at a time to work on.
  2. Get moving.Try to engage more in physical activity.
  3. Change your thinking.Our thoughts have a lot to do with how we feel and what we do. If you stop discouraging and encourage yourself, you may be surprised at how much healthier you’ll be-in mind and body.

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