Food and water hygiene precautions are usually enough to prevent cholera. However,  a vaccination is available to protect against the infection.Vaccination is usually only recommended for travellers to areas where cholera is widespread, particularly for aid workers and people who are likely to have limited access to medical services.


The vaccine

You should avoid eating, drinking or taking oral medication for an hour before and after having the vaccination. Cholera vaccine is usually given as a drink where the vaccination ingredients are mixed with water.

Children who are two to six years of age will need to have three doses of the vaccine. This will protect them for six months. After this, they will need to have a booster if they continue to be at risk.

For adults and children over the age of six, two doses of the vaccine are needed to protect against cholera for two years. A booster is required after this if you continue to be at risk.

All the doses must be taken one to six weeks apart. If you miss one dose you’ll need to start the full vaccination course again. Ideally, the vaccination course should be completed at least one week before travelling.

The cholera vaccine isn’t recommended for children under two years of age because it’s not clear how well it works in this age group.


Side effects and precautions

Some may experience short-term symptoms after having the cholera vaccine. These includes abdominal paindiarrhea and nausea. Severe reactions are very rare. Most people can have the vaccination safely but it is important to consult a doctor first.

You shouldn’t have the vaccine if you’ve had an allergic reaction to the cholera vaccine or any of the vaccine components in the past.

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