TB is a serious infection which affects the lungs and sometimes other parts of the body, these includes the bones, joints and kidneys. It can also cause meningitis. BCG vaccine protects against such disease.

BCG vaccination is given as an injection into the upper arm and usually leaves a small scar.


Who needs BCG?

BCG vaccination is recommended for

  • all babies up to one year old which are born are born in areas where TB rates are higher than in the rest of the country or if their parents are thought to be infected.
  • all older children who are high risk of developing TB such as living in a place with high levels of TB or come into close contact with someone who is already infected.
  • adults who are at risk of TB through their work. For example healthcare workers.

BCG vaccination is rarely given to anyone over the age of 16 – and never over the age of 35, because it doesn’t work very well in adults.


How effective is BCG vaccination?

The weakened strain of TB bacteria in the vaccine triggers the immune system to protect against the disease, giving good immunity to people who receive it, without actually causing the disease.

The vaccine is 70-80% effective against the most severe forms of TB, such as TB meningitis in children. It is less effective in preventing respiratory disease in adults.

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