Mangosteen is a juicy but slightly sweet and sour tasting fruit that is native to Sunda Islands and the Moluccas of Indonesia. Mangosteen is not only an exotic fruit but has value in traditional herbal medicine as practiced in most Asian countries. Its popularity caused it to travel half the globe to be sampled by Queen Victoria hence it is called the Queen of fruit.

There are a couple of health benefits that mangosteen is known for and it is not only the fruit that is used but other plant parts are also used. Listed below are some of the traditional health benefits of mangosteen.

Antidiarrheal. Mangosteen fruit has long been used to effectively treat diarrhea and improve the bowel movement. The fruit is eaten once a day until the condition improves.

Antioxidant. Mangosteen is believed to be rich in antioxidants. It is used to repair and prevent damage to cells by free radicals.

Anticancer. The antioxidant property of mangosteen is believed to be beneficial in the prevention of cancer. It is also given as a supplemental diet to cancer patients.

Allergy. Mangosteen has been used to avert and alleviate allergic reactions.

Anemia. The purplish colour of Mangosteen fruit is believed to aid the production of red blood cells and thus is used to treat anaemia.

Blood Pressure. Mangosteen also contains beneficial minerals such as potassium, manganese, magnesium and others that are important in regulating the proper function of the heart. It is also believed to help dilate the blood vessels thus improving circulation and reducing blood pressure.

Cataracts. The vitamin C rich mangosteen and its ability to increase the amount of blood flow to the eye, is said to be effective in preventing the development of cataracts and improving vision

Reduces Cholesterol. Mangosteen is rich in fiber that is beneficial and helpful in reducing the cholesterol level in the blood. It also improves blood circulation that prevents the cholesterol build up called plaque that averts atherosclerosis.

Dementia. Consumption of mangosteen fruit is believed to improve the symptoms of dementia that include confusion, anxiety, and forgetfulness.

Energy booster.  The vitamins and minerals found in mangosteen provide the needed nutrients to keep the body energized. The anti oxidant properties also refreshes the body’s cells and thus organs function are improved..

Inflammation. Mangosteen is belived to possess anti inflammatory activity that is beneficial in treating body pains associated to inflammation such as sciatica, osteoarthirits, rheumatism, and other muscle and joint pains.

Fever. The decoction from mangosteen leaves and roots are used to control the body temperature in cases of high fever.

Gum disease. The gel from mangosteen is said to alleviate gum problems such as periodontitis and aphthous ulcer.

Heart diseases. The antioxidant properties of mangosteen is believed to protect the heart from developing problems by protecting the cells from damage due to free radical activity. It also improves blood flow by dilating blood vessels and lowers cholesterol.

Mentrual disorders. Mangosteen root concoction is used to regulate menstruation. It is used to reduce premenstrual symptoms that include mood swings, dizziness, and uneasiness.

Tubercolosis. Mangosteen fruit contains vitamins and minerals that is beneficial in maintaining strong immune system. The antibacterial and antifungal properties of mangosteen also helps to arrest the further complications from tubercolosis.

Urinary tract infection. A tea concoction from mangosteen leaves and bark are used to treat urinary tract infections.

Stomach problems. Mangosteen leaves and barks are used for treating different stomach problems such as diarrhea, dysentery, chronic ulcer.

Skin problems. Mangosteen rind is belileved to possess antibacterial and antifungal activity that is used to control acne and other skin problems such as eczema, ulcers, skin rashes and wounds.

Weight reduction. Mangosteen fruit  is rich in vitamins and minerals and contains almost zero fat. It is also rich in fiber that may offer valued health benefits for those who wish to lose weight.

It is not recommended for pregnant or and breast feeding women. There is no sufficient studies about the safety of taking mangosteen in herbal medicine dosage during pregnancy or breast feeding. Stay on the safe side and avoid use.

There is not enough reliable information to know if mangosteen products are safe for use as medicines. Allergic side effects may occur to some people.


Bleeding disorders: Mangosteen improves blood flow. Taking mangosteen might increase the risk of bleeding in people with bleeding disorders.



Our body has a natural ability to prevent bleeding. Consumption of mangosteen may adversely affect this ability of your body. Mangosteen interacts with blood-thinning medications and it might lead to conditions like gastrointestinal bleeding.

There are people who may be allergic of the fruit or some of the components of mangosteen.

Mangosteen fruit are considered safe for consumption as found in food. Herbal medicine preparations should be taken as recommended for most adults. Just lilke any other herbal medicine, the key is moderation of use.


Available brands:

  • ManGoz-T
  • MX-3

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