Freckles are clusters of concentrated melanized cells which are most easily visible on people with a fair complexion. These clusters of cells do not have an increased number of melanin-producing cells which is the case for moles, but instead have cells that overproduce the melanin granules therefore changing the coloration of outer cells.

A freckle is a flat light brown or red spot that fades with the reduction of sun exposure. These are common in those with lighter complexions but can be found on people with a variety of skin tones.

The main prevention measure for freckles is through sun protection, usually following the:

  • Use of sunscreens with SPF 50
  • Use of wide-brimmed hats (a least 6 inches)
  • Use of sun-protective clothing (shirts, long sleeves, long pants)
  • Avoidance of peak sun hours between 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.
  • Seeking shade and staying indoors

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