Lose Weight and Keep It Off!


True beauty does not exist in makeup and external appearance. Everyone displays more beauty if he or she takes good care of his or her own health. Thus, we must take care of ourselves by eating the right foods and by engaging in enough physical activity daily. To prevent weight gain and excess fat accumulation, we should have a weight loss goal that is feasible, specific and realistic.

So how do we set proper weight loss goals? Here are some tips.

  1. Set the Right Goals

The first thing that you have to do is to set the right goals. Ask yourself: what do you want to achieve? Whatever your goals are, they should be specific, attainable and realistic. Do you really need to lose weight? If you are not sure, have yourself checked by a health care provider. He or she will evaluate your weight, height and other health measures.

You should focus first on some short term yet attainable goals before you get closer to your ultimate goal. For example, to lose weight, you can start reducing fat intake from your diet by 40% and then later reduce 35% of your caloric intake and so on and so forth.

Once you have reached a certain milestone, reward yourself- but not with food. Rewards can be material such as a new dress or membership to a massage or fitness club, or it may be a self-pampering act such as a vacation.

  1. Watch What You Eat

You should monitor your caloric intake, fluid intake, servings of fruits and vegetables and your physical activity as well. You should also be conscious of portion sizes. Taking the right supplements can actually help you get fit. They also contain anti-oxidants that help burn fat, boost metabolism and eliminate free radicals from cells. Learn the importance of these supplements to your body so that you can understand better how they help you achieve your weight loss goals.

Here are some supplements you can try:

L-Carnitine— This supplement behaves like an amino acid and is needed to transport fatty acids inside cells where they are burnt to provide energy. This means that L-Carnitine can increase fat metabolism while boosting energy levels, further leading to fat loss when taken on a long term basis along with exercise. Suggested intake is 500-1000 mg twice daily on an empty stomach.

Fibre— This supplement contains bulk and creates fullness in the body so that you can consume fewer calories. Many studies have shown that fiber supplements such as psyllium husks can enhance weight loss, reduce appetite and encourage early satiety. Fiber supplements should be taken as 1 tablespoon daily with two glasses of water in between meals.

Essential Fatty Acids—Omega-3 fatty acids can be used for weight loss because they give rise to series 3 prostaglandins  which help eliminate excess water in cell. They also increase metabolism and boost energy levels which can burn more calories.

  1. Set long term goals

Avoid stimuli that can trigger you to eat more. You should avoid situations that may encourage you to overeat. There should be constant evaluation of yourself as you continue to strive towards your goals.  Surround yourself with family and friends who are supportive of your weight loss goals.

Once you have lost weight, strive to keep it off! The trick there is proper maintenance of diet and physical activity along with the use of the right health supplements. If you are able to maintain good health, you will always be glowing with wellness day by day.


-Dr. Marie Gabrielle Laguna-Bedia, Medical Observer

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