Oral thrush in adults refer to a yeast infection in the mouth. This is an infection in which the fungus Candida albicans collects on the lining of your mouth. Candida is a natural organism in your mouth, but it can overgrow and cause symptoms at times.
Oral thrush creates creamy white sores on the tongue or inside of the cheeks. Oral thrush can sometimes spread to the roof of your mouth, your gums, tonsils, or the back of your throat.


You might not even first experience oral thrush symptoms. Oral thrush in adult symptoms might include:

  • Creamy white lesions on your tongue, inner cheeks, and occasionally on your tonsils, gums, and roof of your mouth
  • Cottage cheese-like blemishes that are slightly elevated
  • Redness, burning, or pain that may be so bad that it interferes with swallowing or eating
  • Scratching or rubbing the lesions may cause some little bleeding.
  • Your mouth’s edges may crackle and get red.
  • mouth feeling like cotton
  • loss of taste
  • Denture stomatitis causes redness, inflammation, and discomfort under dentures.


Taking a history of your symptoms and looking for the distinctive sores that oral thrush creates may be all that your doctor needs to diagnose you with the condition.

By inspecting the interior of your mouth, your dentist or doctor can probably determine this. Just to be sure, your doctor could also send a little sample of the area to a lab.

If the fungus that causes thrush travels into your esophagus, you might need to have further testing, such as:

  • a throat culture (a swab of your throat’s back)
  • a small intestine, stomach, and esophagus endoscope
  • taking esophageal X-rays


Antifungal medications may typically successfully cure oral thrush. Topical medications often come in the form of gels or liquids that are applied directly within the mouth.

Sometimes, tablets or capsules are also employed.

You can seek guidance from your pharmacist.

Your medication, or the manner it is used, may need to be altered, or the dosage may need to be decreased, if corticosteroids or antibiotics are suspected of being the cause of your oral thrush. If you believe this to be a problem for you, talk to your pharmacist or doctor.

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