A stillbirth occurs when a fetus dies after the mother has reached the twentieth week of pregnancy. Weeks or even hours prior to delivery, the fetus may have died suddenly in the uterus. Although prenatal care has significantly improved throughout the years, stillbirths still occur and are frequently undiagnosed.

Pregnant women of any age, class, or race may experience a stillbirth. One in three instances goes unsolved; thus, they can be unpredictable. Yet, there are certain ways you can lower your risk.


Stillbirth is divided into three categories:

  • Early Stillbirth. It is a fetal death that happens between the 20th and 27th week of pregnancy.
  • Late Stillbirth. It happens between weeks 28 and 36 of a full pregnancy.
  • Term Stillbirth. It happens after 37 full weeks of pregnancy or more.


There are numerous signs of stillbirth. A few of them include the following:

  • You believe your infant has stopped moving, is moving inconsistently, or is moving less than normal.
  • You’re bleeding, or your vagina is producing more discharge than usual.
  • Your back or stomach is severely hurting or cramping.
  • You have a strong or persistent headache, changes in your eyesight, or you feel lightheaded.
  • You have persistent or severe nausea and vomiting that makes eating and drinking difficult.
  • You’re experiencing chills or a fever.


If your baby’s heart is no longer beating, you have a stillbirth. An ultrasound can be used to find this during pregnancy. If there are no indications of life for your unborn baby, an OB or midwife will inform you. When they deliver this information, they will offer you help.

Losing a baby is a tremendously terrible experience. A variety of feelings, such as shock, confusion, intense sadness, rage, and emptiness, are common. There are no right or wrong emotions, so feel free to take as much time as you need.


If a stillborn infant dies, your doctor can take certain actions. You have three alternatives if the fetus dies before you go into labor: a normal birth, a C-section, or inducing labor.

A stillbirth is typically unavoidable. It frequently happens as a result of the fetus’ abnormal development. Your likelihood of conceiving successfully rises when your health, including the management of existing illnesses and lifestyle decisions, improves.

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