Noise exposure hearing loss, also known as noise-induced hearing loss, is a permanent loss of hearing caused by loud noises. It occurs when the hair cells in your inner ear die. These hair cells cannot regrow after they have been killed. Also, it is due to transient loud sounds, such as explosions or gunfire. 

Noise-induced hearing loss may affect people of all ages. Those who work in loud workplaces such as in the military, agriculture, mining, and carpentry construction are more susceptible.


There are a few indicators that you are losing your hearing. Based on the source of your NIHL, symptoms may appear suddenly or gradually. The following are some of the most prevalent noise exposure hearing loss symptoms:

  • Inability to hear high-pitched sounds
  • Buzzing or ringing in the ear
  • Ear fullness or pressure sensation.
  • Distorted or muffled speech

Noise-induced hearing loss symptoms might linger for minutes, hours, or days after the noise has stopped. Even if your hearing improves, cells in the inner ear may still be damaged. If enough healthy cells are remaining, your hearing will gradually return. Hearing loss might become permanent when more cells are damaged over time.


The doctor will perform the hearing test to diagnose noise exposure hearing loss. These tests might reveal the extent of your hearing loss (mild, moderate, or profound). They also indicate if you have lost hearing in high, low, or all frequencies. Furthermore, they will inquire about your symptoms.


Noise exposure hearing loss is irreversible. You should notify your doctor immediately if you have difficulties hearing ordinary noises. Besides, early detection of hearing loss is critical for therapy. If you spend a lot of time around loud noises, get your hearing evaluated regularly. Additionally, if you discover that you have hearing loss, make efforts to minimize more sound exposure so that your hearing loss does not worsen.

Furthermore, your doctor may recommend a hearing aid. This device, worn in the ear, improves your hearing through magnifying sound. Also, your doctor may prescribe cochlear implants if you have significant hearing loss. Cochlear implants are electrical devices that must be implanted to deliver signals to your brain.

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