Marburg hemorrhagic fever is a severe, uncommon hemorrhagic fever that may infect non-human creatures and humans. The Marburg infection, a genotypically anthropogenic (or animal-borne) RNA pathogen of the filovirus group, is the culprit behind MVD. Moreover, the filovirus group only has six different varieties that are currently recognized.

About 50% of Marburg hemorrhagic fever cases result in fatalities on average. Depending on the virus strain and case care, patient fatality rates in prior epidemics ranged from 24 to 88 percent.


The incubation period, often known as the interval between infection and the start of symptoms, can last anywhere between two and three weeks. Marburg hemorrhagic fever manifests very suddenly and causes the following symptoms:

  • Terrible Headache
  • High Fever
  • Intense Malaise
  • Muscular Cramps and Aches
  • Watery Diarrhea
  • Dizziness and Vomiting
  • Abdominal Cramps
  • Intense Fatigue

During the acute period of the illness, patients developed high fevers that persisted. Central nervous system malfunction may lead to: 

  • Confusion
  • Irritability
  • Aggression 

In the late stages of the illness (15 days), there have been sporadic reports of orchitis (infection of one or maybe both testicles). If any of these symptoms persist and affect daily function, notify your health care provider immediately.


It may be difficult to clinically distinguish the condition from viral diseases, including typhoid fever, meningitis, malaria, shigellosis, and other viral hemorrhagic fevers. The following tests are used to diagnose Marburg hemorrhagic fever:

  • Electron Microscopy
  • Antigen-Capture Detection 
  • Serum Neutralization
  • Rt-Pcr Or Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction
  • Antibody-Capture-Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay

The individual samples pose a significant biohazard risk. Hence, lab tests on non-inactivated specimens must be done under the strictest biological countermeasures. The triple-packing approach should be adopted when shipping biological samples locally or internationally.


The Marburg hemorrhagic fever infection does not have a particular therapy. Adopting comprehensive hospital care is crucial, which helps maintain the patient’s fluid and electrolyte balance, control heart rate and oxygen levels, replace lost plasma and clotting components, and manage any complicating infections.

The effectiveness of treatments that have never been tried on humans has been demonstrated in non-human living forms.

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