Aldosteronism with normal blood pressure is an uncommon disorder resulting from an excess of the hormonal aldosterone that regulates salt and potassium levels in the blood. The oversupply of adrenaline through one or even both adrenals causes this disease. Moreover, an overabundance of adrenaline may be caused by excess production of adrenaline by both lobes, benign tumors in one adrenal cortex, or, in rare cases, malignant tumors.

Aldosteronism with normal blood pressure indicates that the adrenals create too much adrenaline, a steroid hormone that helps regulate salt and potassium outflow. Two small triangle lobes on top of the kidneys make up the adrenals.


Inadequate electrolytes may be caused by an excess of adrenaline which results in symptoms including:

  • lack of muscular mass
  • headache
  • excessive thirst
  • prickling sensation
  • vision problem
  • frequent voiding, especially at night
  • immobility 
  • muscle spasms and pains

The extent of electrolyte abnormalities may determine the seriousness of the condition.


The majority of patients have blood pressure that is greater than usual. Blood testing may assist in determining whether or not your hypertension is caused by aldosteronism with normal blood pressure or anything else. Furthermore, aldosteronism is not usually treated with the same medications used to treat hypertension.

In people with hypertension, medical providers diagnose aldosteronism with normal blood pressure by monitoring the hormone levels like adrenaline and renin and electrolytes like potassium and sodium. Electrolytes are elements that assist your body in maintaining a healthy fluid balance.

Your medical provider may recommend additional testing to check out adrenal cortex tumors. These might include the following:

  • CT Scan. The use of X-rays to produce images of inside body systems.
  • MRI. The use of high-powered magnets and radio waves in the interior of your body.


When both adrenal glands generate excess aldosterone, it is commonly treated with aldosterone-blocking drugs such as spironolactone or eplerenone. However, if only a single adrenal gland produces it, eliminating that gland is a better option than taking medicines.

The physician may also advise you to make certain lifestyle modifications, such as:

  • Regular workout  
  • Limiting the amount of alcohol consumed
  • Sodium reduction in your diet
  • Quitting smoking

If aldosteronism with normal blood pressure is not treated, the average blood pressure may rise to hazardous levels. It also throws off the body’s ionic balance.

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