The terms biorhythms and circadian rhythm are frequently used interchangeably. Your internal clock regulates a set of biological functions called rhythms. They regulate sleep and wakefulness, body temperature, hormone secretion, and other functions.

In response to your environment, your body maintains its biological cycles by releasing a range of substances at the molecular level. Your biological cycles can be maintained or disrupted by your light exposure, eating habits, and other environmental stimuli. Biological cycles can be disrupted, resulting in major health issues.


There are four types of biorhythms:

  • Diurnal Rhythms 
  • Circadian Rhythms
  • Ultradian Rhythms
  • Infradian Rhythms

How Biorhythms Work

The suprachiasmatic nucleus, an internal clock in your brain, regulates your biological rhythms (SCN). It’s found in the hypothalamus: the autonomic nervous system, and the pituitary glglandThroughout the day, your SCN transmits messages to regulate your body’s activity. The majority of biological rhythms follow a 24-hour period. Others, like menstrual cycles, operate over more extended periods.

What Happens If Biorhythms Are Disrupted?

When natural biorhythms are disrupted, disorders can arise. These disorders include:

  • Jet Lag. Circadian rhythms are disrupted when traveling across time zones or sleeping overnight.
  • Sleep Disorders. At night, the body is “wired” to sleep. Sleep disturbances, such as insomnia, can result from disruptions in the body’s natural rhythms.
  • Shift Work Disorders. When a person is working outside of the standard workday, their circadian rhythms are disrupted.
  • Mood Disorders. Depression, bipolar illness, and seasonal affective disorder can all be caused by a lack of exposure to sunlight.

What Are the Effects of Biorhythms?

The diurnal sleep-wake cycle is the main biological rhythm most people are concerned with. It’s the most apparent cycle you’re likely to encounter frequently. It has a significant effect on your health.

Your SNC transmits alertness messages to your body during the day as you receive light cues, telling it’s time to wake up. Your SNC activates the manufacture of melatonin, a sleep hormone, as the sunsets. Following that, it continues to tell your body to sleep.

Aside from sleep. Biorhythms have an impact on vital functions such as:

  • Heart rate
  • Metabolism
  • Hormone levels
  • Body temperature
  • Urine production
  • Blood pressure 

Your biological rhythms are also linked to blood sugar and cholesterol regulation, both of which are linked to mental health risks.

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