Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, starts from the inner lining of the bowel and is sometimes accompanied by polyps, which, if left untreated, can progress to invasive cancers. Moreover, bowel cancer is also referred to as colon or rectal cancer, depending on where it starts.


The following bowel cancers are classified based on where it begins in the intestine and the type of cell it develops in.

  • Adenocarcinoma
  • Sarcomas
  • Lymphomas
  • Melanoma
  • Carcinoid tumors
  • Squamous cell tumors  


Bowel cancer has three primary symptoms:

  • Blood in your stool that persists for no apparent cause or is linked to a change in bowel habits
  • a long-term change in your bowel habits, such as needing to defecate more frequently and your stool being runny
  • Lower abdominal ache, bloating, or discomfort that is constantly brought on by eating and may be linked to a loss of appetite or considerable unintended weight loss

Although the majority of persons who have these symptoms may not have bowel cancer, other health issues might cause similar symptoms, such as:

  • Haemorrhoids are more likely to be the cause of blood in the stool when it is accompanied by discomfort or soreness.
  • Something you’ve eaten is frequently the cause of a change in bowel habits or stomach pain.
  • A change in bowel habits, such as going less frequently and with firmer stool, isn’t typically caused by anything significant.


A limited fraction of malignancies requires a more thorough colon examination to be detected. Colonoscopy or CT colonography are the two tests performed for this. A CT scan will diagnose emergency referrals, such as patients with an intestinal blockage.


Treatment for colon cancer is determined by the tumor’s location and how far it has progressed. The most common treatment for bowel cancer is a surgical operation, coupled with chemotherapy, radiation, or biological treatments, depending on your specific condition.

Moreover, bowel cancer can be treated and prevented from returning if caught early enough. Unfortunately, a complete cure is not always doable, and there is always the possibility of cancer returning at a later stage. Nevertheless, a combination of medicines can reduce symptoms and slow the spread of cancers.

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