A magnesium test is performed to evaluate your body’s magnesium levels. Magnesium is a mineral that can be found in both the earth’s crust and the human body. It is required for the proper functioning of the bones, muscles, heart and nerves. It aids in the regulation of energy, blood pressure, blood sugar and a variety of other bodily functions.

Magnesium can be found in a variety of foods. Spinach, peanut butter, nuts, bananas, salmon, milk, and whole grains are just a few examples. It’s in various bottled water, cereals, and other store-bought items.


Magnesium deficiency affects some people. If you’re otherwise healthy, you’re unlikely to experience signs of low magnesium unless it’s been present for a long period. Your magnesium level may be tested by your doctor. This is critical because both adults and children might become ill if they consume too much or too little.

If you consume too much alcohol, have renal difficulties, take certain medications, or have celiac conditions or long-term digestive problems, you may have trouble digesting magnesium from food. And if your magnesium levels are low for an extended period of time and you get magnesium deficiency, which is uncommon, you may develop:

  • Sleepiness
  • Poor appetite
  • Weakness
  • Nausea
  • Tremors
  • Muscle spasm

Low magnesium levels can damage your bones, cause headaches, make you uneasy, and even harm your heart over time. Other vital minerals, such as potassium and calcium, may be depleted as a result. Magnesium levels that are too high are far less common than those that are too low. This occurs in persons who have weak kidneys or who are taking specific medications. It’s a dangerous issue that could lead to more complicated problems.

When Did The Magnesium Test Become Essential?

If you have symptoms of a condition, or if you have kidney disease or diabetes, your doctor may recommend a magnesium test. The most frequent technique to determine your magnesium level is through a blood test. The word “total serum magnesium test” may be used.

The magnesium blood test is similar to other types of blood tests you’ve done. A nurse or other medical professional will clean your skin before injecting it into a vein in your hand or arm and drawing blood. It should have the sensation of a tiny dot, but not much more. After that, the nurse will remove the needle and possibly apply a bandage to the region if it bleeds a bit. The doctor will review the test results within a few days and should discuss them with you. 

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