Bleeding from the bottom is a term that refers to bleeding from the lower colon or rectum, the last few inches of your large intestine, and is generally recognized to refer to bleeding from the colon. Bleeding from the stomach, duodenum, or small intestine may also traverse the large intestine and exit through the rectum. Sometimes, the causes of bleeding from the bottom are:

  • Ulcers in the stomach or duodenum
  • Gastrointestinal infections
  • Polyps in the colon
  • Infections transmitted through sexual contact
  • The trauma of the rectum (for example, an injury caused by accident or sexual assault)


Bleeding in your large intestine (colon) can be bright red or dark red, and it can be mixed in with your fecal matter. One of the causes could be polyps. Polyps are typically non-cancerous, but some types can progress to bowel cancer.

Black feces, which resemble tar and stink, may indicate a more serious digestive problem, including a bleeding ulcer in the stomach or duodenum.

Among the most typical symptoms of bleeding from the bottom are as follows:

  • Hard feces
  • Constipation
  • Unintentional weight loss
  • Diarrhea

Diagnosis & Medications

The tests used to diagnose rectal bleeding determine your age, symptoms, and medical history. Your doctor will speak with you and perform an internal examination of your rectum and bowel. 

You might also need the following tests:

Sigmoidoscopy. It is a process that utilizes an adjustable telescope to search inside your colon’s left lower part (large bowel).

Colonoscopy. It is a technique that entails inserting a small tube into the anus to visualize the large bowel’s interior (the colon)

Anoscopy. It is a procedure in which a small device is inserted into your anus to provide your doctor with a better view.


The cause of the bleeding from the bottom will determine the treatment. Changing your lifestyle or diet may be the best treatment for some issues.

Hemorrhoids usually go away on their own after several days and do not require any specific treatment. If your hemorrhoids are giving you discomfort or irritation, talk to your doctor about utilizing recommended medicine creams or ointments.

If your hemorrhoids keep reappearing, consult your doctor about surgical treatment options. Botox injections or surgery may be used to treat anal fissures.

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