Guttate Scleroderma, also called Guttate Psoriasis, is an immunological condition, wherein your body interprets your cells as intruders and destroys them. It manifests as tiny, itchy, red, teardrop-shaped patches on your skin and usually does not leave a scar. Also, this disease affects less than one-third of individuals, generally affecting young children.

Furthermore, this skin condition is hereditary, which means that if you have a family member who has it, your chances of acquiring it are greater.


There are three types of Guttate Psoriasis, and these are the following:

  • Mild. Only 3% of patches cover your skin.
  • Moderate. About 3% – 10% of your skin is occupied by lesions.
  • Severe. Almost 10% of the whole part of your body is covered by lesions.


Signs and symptoms of Guttate Scleroderma disease are the following:

  • Suddenly developing red, small bumps on the skin after the throat infection or tonsillitis
  • Skin irritation
  • Nail abnormalities
  • Rash on the arm, legs, trunk, face, ear, and scalp


To know whether you have a Guttate Scleroderma Disease or not, the doctor will ask you about your medical records, including any medicines you are currently taking. Also, your doctor will examine your skin to have enough information to diagnose or consider it guttate psoriasis.

Furthermore, if your doctor needs additional information, they may request a blood test sample to check if it has bacteria. 


There is no cure for this type of skin condition. However, medication can make you feel better, and it is an effective way to control sudden outbursts and alleviate the symptoms.

Medications for this condition are available in the form of cream, foam, and ointments. These are the following:

  • Steroids Cream
  • Retinoid
  • Tacrolimus
  • Calcipotriol
  • Pimecrolimus 
  • Coal tar ointment and shampoo

Aside from medications, phototherapy is also used to treat this illness. This uses equipment with light that focuses on your skin and has ultraviolet radiation to clear up your skin. This therapy is divided into two types:

Narrowband UVB Therapy. It is a type of UVB treatment using a narrow band. This term refers to a particular frequency of ultraviolet light, ranging from 311 nm to 312 nm that passes all over your body.

Broadband UVB Therapy. It is a treatment that produces a broader spectrum of ultraviolet rays. However, this therapy is not as popular as narrowband UVB treatment.

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