The postcoital test, otherwise known as the Sims-Huhner test, assesses sperm survival and motility in the cervical mucus. In short, it is a test that is often used to determine infertility.

Moreover, this test is done one or two days before ovulation. This is because it is when there’s plenty of estrogen-stimulated mucus. However, the validity of the results has been called into doubt because of a lack of repeatability and uniform criteria for collecting and analyzing samples using the postcoital test.

In addition, a randomized controlled study conducted in 1998 found that regular PCT for infertile couples increased the quantity of testing but did not improve the couples’ pregnancy rate. At the moment, it is only used to guide treatment choices for teams with specific indications.


  • An investigation on the interaction between sperm and cervical mucus
  • Infertility treatment couples using clomiphene citrate should monitor cervical mucus throughout the first ovulatory cycle.
  • To help in determining if a pair is a good candidate for expectant management or aggressive treatment (in vitro fertilization [IVF] or intrauterine insemination [IUI]) with a possible cervical factor infertility


  • Any condition that would prohibit unprotected sexual contact, followed by cervix inspection and sample
  • Infection in the cervix


  • Swabs and a vaginal speculum (no lubrication)
  • Ring forceps
  • Plastic endometrial aspirator (optional)
  • Non Sterile examination gloves
  • Capped tuberculin syringe
  • Coverslips, slides, microscope

Pre-procedure Patient Education

Begin measuring urinary luteinizing hormone (LH) or basal body temperature (BBT) ovulation testing one month before PCT. Examine the LH or BBT graphs to identify the most appropriate moment for intercourse. Keep an eye out for clear cervical mucus in the patient (more estrogenic). You should do a postcoital test as close to ovulation as feasible. The test is typically carried out on days 12 to 14 of a typical 28-day cycle.

For 48 hours before the test, instruct the couple to abstain from engaging in sexual activity or masturbation. Determine if the BBT is under the appropriate time of the menstrual cycle for conducting the test before doing the PCT. Also, nothing (lubricants, medicines, douches, etc.) should be used in the vagina 24 hours before the test and until the PCT.

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