Fiery serpent infection is a disease caused by the guinea worm parasites. Individuals get afflicted with Guinea worm after drinking contaminated water with Cyclops, which is a crustacean that hosts the parasites. These parasites are killed by gastric acids in the human digestive system, allowing the larvae to move and burrow from the intestinal tract into the abdomen cells, wherein male and female worms develop and reproduce.

Furthermore, this condition affects millions of individuals of all ages each year, but it is most prevalent in young adults aged 15 to 45.


In this infection, the worm often breaks out through different areas of the body, but more often on the skin in the feet or legs. However, before that, the patient may fall ill and experience symptoms, such as:

  • Vomiting
  • Dizziness 
  • Inflammation in the infected part
  • Slight Fever
  • Skin Irritation
  • Both slow and severe pain
  • Blisters
  • Nausea
  • Secondary Bacterial Infection
  • Joint Infection
  • Joint Locking


To diagnose Fiery serpent infection, the doctor may perform some physical exams. They will search for the distinctive white, threadlike worm protruding through the blister after soaking the afflicted area in the water.

Moreover, there are presently no tests available to diagnose infected individuals before the appearance of symptoms.


Fiery serpent infection has no cure or particular treatment. However, medicine like Ibuprofen and other pain relievers may be administered to decrease swelling and discomfort. Moreover, to avoid bacterial infection, antibiotic ointment can be put to the afflicted area. Also, a therapy for removing the worm entails a lengthy and painful procedure. It includes the following:

  1. To avoid infection, the wound and outlying areas are cleansed.
  2. The infected body part is soaked in clean water in order to empty the worm of its larvae. This will make its removal easier.
  3. A piece of gauze is wrapped around the few centimeters of the worm to prevent it from returning to the body and pushing more of it to exit.
  4. The worm is gently pulled out. However, full extraction may last for several days to weeks since the worm may grow as long as one meter.
  5. Antibiotics will be applied to the area to avoid any infection.
  6. Medicines like ibuprofen or aspirin may be provided to aid in pain and inflammation.

Furthermore, this procedure is continued every day for many days or weeks until the worm is completely removed.

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