Breech position and breech birth occurs when there is enough space inside the uterus for the fetus to change position during the majority of the pregnancy. Most infants are in a head-down posture by 36 weeks of pregnancy, which is the most natural and safest position for delivery. 

In around 4 out of every 100 deliveries, the baby does not turn head-down. Hence, the baby is in a breech position, and may need to be delivered through C-section.


Breech positions are divided into three types:

  • Frank breech. Mostly, this is the common breech position. During birth, the buttocks are positioned to be the first to arise. These are the legs that are straight up in front of your chest and your feet are close to the top of your head.
  • Complete breech. The buttocks are in close proximity to the delivery canal in this kind of pregnancy. The feet are tucked under the buttocks as well, and the knees are bowed.
  • Footling breech. This kind of stretch involves one or both legs being extended out below the buttocks. The legs are in position to come out first at birth.


In most normal pregnancies, the baby will turn head-down to come into place for delivery, It is normal for infants to be delivered with their heads down or even sideways before the 35th week of pregnancy. However, when the baby grows and runs out of space, it becomes more difficult for the infant to rotate and get into the proper position.


During a regular checkup in your late pregnancy, your physician will examine your upper and lower abdomen and may perform a fetal ultrasound to confirm the diagnosis. When your doctor also examines your cervix, he or she is able to discover whether your baby is in breech position. 


An external cephalic version is a procedure that allows a doctor to convert a newborn from a breech position to a head-down posture. You might be able to have a vaginal delivery if the child can be positioned head-down before labor begins.

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