Acanthosis bullosa is a rare hereditary disorder that causes the skin to be so sensitive, whereas it cracks or blisters even when touched lightly. Because their skin is as frail as a butterfly wing, children born with it are often called the “Butterfly Children.”

Mild forms of the condition may improve over time. On the other hand, severe cases can be painful, causing other serious health problems, and even become fatal.

If you have this problem, you will need certain treatments to maintain your skin’s health.


There are five different forms of this disease, and each has its own range of symptoms based on where your blisters appear. These include:

  • Acanthosis Bullosa Simplex
  • Junctional Acanthosis Bullosa
  • Dystrophic Acanthosis Bullosa
  • Kindler Syndrome
  • Acanthosis Bullosa Acquisita


The signs and symptoms of this disease vary, depending on the type. These signs and symptoms include:

  • Fragile skin
  • Dental issues
  • Nails that don’t form or thicken
  • Blisters inside the throat or mouth
  • Thicker skin on palms of the hands or soles of the feet
  • Hair loss, scalp blistering, and scarring
  • Dysphagia or difficulty swallowing
  • Pimples or small white skin bumps
  • Painful, itchy skin
  • Atrophic scarring

Furthermore, the symptoms of the disease typically develop in toddlers or babies as they begin to walk or engage in physical activities that cause the illness to develop.


A doctor may ask about your symptoms and physical activity in order to diagnose acanthosis bullosa. A physical examination may also be performed to see the harmed area.The doctor may then extract a sample of the skin and send it to a laboratory for analysis.

If your doctor determines that you have acanthosis bullosa, he or she may prescribe medication or treatment to help you overcome your symptoms.


There is no specific treatment for acanthosis bullosa. Nonetheless, there are medications available to assist in alleviating the symptoms.

In severe cases, the doctor may recommend a treatment similar to what is used for burns. You’ll need to know how to treat your wound and cover the afflicted areas effectively. The doctor might also recommend medication to control your pain.

Surgery may be required in some cases. It’s essential to get medical assistance immediately so that the doctor can cure it and avoid any serious complications.

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