Nasal septal perforation repair is needed when the nasal septum (consisting of cartilage and bone), which aids the nasal passages’ airflow, has been damaged. One type of septum injury is when a hole forms in it. This is called a “perforated septum.” It could generate a wide range of symptoms, from minor to severe. 

The nasal septal perforation repair is helpful in fixing the hole that causes you symptoms. However, it could be a difficult surgery that only skilled doctors can do. Besides, this procedure needs general anesthesia and a one-night hospitalization for observation and recovery. 

Furthermore, individuals who experience perforated septum may require to undergo nasal septal perforation repair if their condition does not respond to medications and home remedies.


When Do You Need To Undergo Nasal Septal Perforation Repair?

A person with a perforated septum will need to have surgery/repair if he/she has symptoms like crusting, bleeding, whistling, nasal obstruction, and nasal collapse that becomes intolerable. Also, when a septal perforation causes problems in your breathing, you will need to have surgery.  

Usually, individuals who undergo surgery are those who don’t respond well to medications and other treatments. 


Recovery After Nasal Septal Perforation Repair

After nasal surgery, you may experience swelling in your upper lip, nose, around your eyes and cheeks. You might also experience bruising in your nose and around your eyes. Furthermore, it’s possible that your nose will bleed and be painful. This could last a few days following surgery.

Your upper lip, gums, and the tip of your nose will be numb. In a few weeks to months, your feelings will come back. After surgery, your smell may also be affected. However, it will improve and come back to normal in one to two months.

In a few days, you must be able to go to school or work, and in about three weeks, you should be back to your normal routine. However, this varies depending on your work and the extent of your surgery. But in most cases, people recover completely in one to two months.

Finally, you’ll need to visit the doctor during your recovery to see if your nose is healing better and if it is returning to normal. 

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