Gastroschisis is an abnormality of the abdominal wall that occurs at birth. The newborn’s intestines pass through a hole next to the belly button and are visible outside of the body. The hole might be small or big, and other organs—like the liver and stomach—can sometimes be seen outside the baby’s body.

The condition can happen when the muscles that form the newborn’s abdominal wall don’t grow properly early in pregnancy. A hole develops, allowing the intestines and other body organs to protrude from the body, typically to the right side of the abdomen. Furthermore, the intestines can become inflamed since they are not protected by a protective sac and are susceptible to amniotic fluid.


The common symptoms of gastroschisis are:

  • Along the umbilical cord, the intestines stick in the abdominal wall
  • A lump in the belly
  • Because the intestine is exposed to amniotic fluid, there can be issues with absorption and movement in the gut


Gastroschisis can be diagnosed as early as the third trimester. Doctors usually conduct assessments at 20-24 weeks once it has been detected on an ultrasound. Moreover, an ultrasound is most often used to diagnose gastroschisis between weeks 18 and 20 of pregnancy.

Additionally, the following tests that are used to diagnose the disorder include:

  • MRI
  • Fetal echocardiogram
  • Ultrasound

Identifying whether the issue is gastroschisis or omphalocele is a critical component of the examination. On ultrasound, these conditions can occasionally appear to be the same. 


Surgery will be required immediately after the baby is born to restore the abdominal organs within the baby’s body and fix the abnormality.

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