Sever’s condition is an inflammation, irritation, and swelling of the epiphyseal plate in the heel. The epiphyseal plate is a surface of cartilage close to the end of a bone, where the majority of bone development occurs. It is fragile, weak, and more at risk for damage than other bones.

Moreover, Sever’s condition occurs during the rapid growth of puberty. At this time, the muscles, tendons, and bones develop at different rates. The tendons and muscles could become tight, dragging on the epiphyseal plate in the heel.

Furthermore, sports and activities pull on the tight tendons and muscles, harming the epiphyseal plate. This harm leads to the discomfort and pain of the disease.


In some cases, Sever’s disease can occur from standing so long, which creates continuous pressure and force on the heel. However, with good management, this condition will normally go away within a month and not cause severe problems.


The symptoms of Sever’s disease often cause tenderness and pain in both or one heel. It can also lead to the following symptoms:

  • Tightness and tenderness in the back of the heels intensify when the spot is pressed
  • Swelling, redness, or pain in both or one heel
  • Trouble walking
  • Heel pain that heightens after jumping or running and feels relieved after rest
  • Running or walking with a limp


Doctors may diagnose Sever’s disease by:

  • Doing a physical examination
  • Asking about the symptoms
  • Asking about the physical activities you have

Generally, no testing is required. Also, even though Sever’s disease can’t be detected on X-rays, doctors can sometimes use them to check for other issues.


The good thing about Sever’s disease is that it does not cause any prolonged foot problems. The symptoms usually disappear after a few months.

Besides, the best remedy is simply to rest. Anyone with Sever’s disease will be required to cut down or stop sports or activities until the pain is gone. Furthermore, the doctor might also suggest the following treatment:

  • Anti-inflammatory drugs
  • Ice packs
  • Stretching
  • Strengthening exercises
  • Supportive shoes to reduce pain and stress on the heel
  • In serious cases, a cast will be helpful

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