Birth defects are mild or severe conditions that develop when a baby is growing in the womb, affecting its development, organ function, and appearance.

Most cases transpire within the first trimester of women’s pregnancy when the baby’s organs are still developing. Moreover, there are many causes of defects, including:

  • Lifestyle habits
  • Genetics
  • Infections during pregnancy
  • Exposure to chemicals and some medications


Many types of birth defects vary from each other. Some of these are:

  • Heart defects. Heart defects are one of the conditions that exist at birth and can influence the baby’s heart structure and function. 
  • Palate or cleft lip. A cleft palate or lip is a type of defect that transpires when a baby’s mouth or lip does not develop totally during pregnancy. 


The most common symptoms of defects include:

On the other hand, the most common symptoms of cleft palate or lip include:

  • A split in the palate or lip that does or doesn’t influence both or one side of the face
  • Difficulty in eating
  • Chronic ear infections
  • Nasal speaking voice

These defects cause the body’s system to malfunction, causing defects in development or intelligence. Furthermore, several children may appear to have no visible deformities. Sometimes, defects go unknown for months or years after the baby is born.


The types of birth defects can be identified during pregnancy. Moreover, a doctor can utilize prenatal ultrasounds to diagnose specific defects in the womb. 

Detailed screening choices are also available, like amniocentesis and blood tests. These tests are normally provided to pregnant women who have a high risk for birth defects due to various factors, such as family history. 

Additionally, prenatal tests can help determine whether the mother has a problem or infection that may affect the baby. A hearing test and physical exam might also be done by the doctor after the child is born. 


Treatment varies on the severity and condition for birth defects.  Some defects can be treated before or after birth. However, some may last forever. Therefore, talk with your doctor about the proper treatment and medication.

Following treatments may be suggested:

  • Medications for birth defects
  • Home care
  • Surgeries to fix defects or alleviate harmful symptoms

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