Barlow syndrome is known to be a generally basic condition wherein the mitral valve’s leaflets swell into the heart’s left chamber when the valve closes during ventricular withdrawal. This irregularity may keep the valve from shutting appropriately, making it exposed.

Moreover, the mitral valve is located in between the left atrium and left ventricle. The leaflets are the fine tissue strips in the heart. If the valve closes when the contraction and opens when relaxation, the leaflets also move.  


Some of the patients don’t exhibit any symptoms. In cases where they do show, the symptoms of barlow syndrome would likely include:

Furthermore, the doctor may evaluate your heart’s sound if there is a murmuring or click sound, which can be brought by the blood’s irregular flow in the valve. If these sounds are signs of serious health problems, the patients may encounter difficulty in breathing and abnormal heart rhythm. 


The physicians are able to detect your condition through the following tests:

  • Electrocardiogram. This test determines the conditions or changes in the function of the heart. 
  • Echocardiogram. This gives the imagery of the heart wherein the valve’s function can be noticed quickly. Also, the echocardiogram can be viewed in two-dimensional, which helps classify the valve leaflet’s position while experiencing relaxation and contraction. 


The essential thing to evaluate is the level of prolapse or any mitral valve regurgitation. Moreover, the treatments may include the following:

Medications. Prescriptions are recommended by the doctor when the patient experiences signs of mitral valve regurgitation. Beta-blockers, anti-arrhythmic, aspirin, blood thinners, and diuretics are the common medications. 

Surgery. If the medications do not suffice to handle the treatment, doctors may suggest either of these surgeries:

  • Valve Repair: This will reattach the leaflets by removing the overflow to manage the leaflet’s closing. It may also come by replacing the annulus.
  • Valve Replacement: This surgery is done if repairing is not applicable for the patient’s condition. Replacement is conducted when there is a damaged valve, and it will be substituted with an artificial valve. 

However, the doctor will have to assess the condition of the patient first before performing the surgery. Hence, consult your doctor first before receiving treatment. 

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