Laryngeal cancer is a throat cancer affecting the larynx, also known as the voice box. Since our larynx is our voice organ, this type of cancer damages the voice. When not treated immediately, it may expand and infect the other parts of your body.

Laryngeal cancers are tumors that arise in the voice box. The damaged cells in the larynx are commonly due to smoking.

 Additional factors that contribute to developing such cancer are:

  • poor nutrition
  • heavy alcohol use
  • workplace exposure to toxins
  • certain genetic diseases
  • human papillomavirus exposure
  • immune system problems


The most common signs of laryngeal cancer are as follows:

  • hoarse voice
  • breathing difficulties
  • sore throat
  • excessive coughing
  • cough with blood
  • trouble swallowing food
  • neck pain
  • neck lumps
  • neck swelling
  • ear pain
  • sudden weight loss

If you experience these symptoms, seek for medical attention right away for an early diagnosis. 


Your doctor will ask questions regarding your symptoms and medical history. Afterward, he will conduct a physical exam to examine the throat and neck.

Other diagnostic tests are:

  • Imaging scans that provide a clear image of the body;
  • Laryngoscopy that examines the larynx;
  • PET scan that highlights the abnormal areas of the body; and
  • A biopsy that examines abnormal tissues in the larynx.

Additionally, classifying cancer by stage is part of the diagnosis. Your doctor will check how far the tumor has grown, how severe the disease is, or where it has infected the body.

Laryngeal cancer stages include:

  • Early laryngeal cancer (stages 0, 2, 3). The tumor is still small and has not yet spread beyond the larynx.
  • Advanced laryngeal cancer (stages 3 & 4). The tumor has grown larger and has already infected the vocal cords and other areas of the body.


A laryngeal cancer care team consists of multiple experts in various fields. Moreover, laryngeal cancer treatment includes:

  • Radiation therapy- reduces and kills the cancer cells to avoid further damage
  • Chemotherapy- slows or kills the cancer cells’ growth and deals with more advanced symptoms that cannot be fully removed
  • Immunotherapy- fights the cancer cells
  • Surgery- removes the tumor to preserve the larynx

It would be best to seek your doctor to diagnose your disease as early as possible.

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