Earwax is produced in the ear canal by the ceruminous glands. Although scientists are still not entirely sure why we have them, wax traps and prevents dust and other tiny, potentially harmful particles from reaching the eardrum. Eventually, wax dries up and slides along any trapped dust or dirt out of the ear.

Everybody produces earwax, but much like hair color or height, the quantities and form are genetically determined. Smaller or unusually formed ear canals may make it hard for the wax to naturally get out of the ear canal. This may lead to earwax accumulation or buildup.


There are two primary types of wax or cerumen in humans’ ears. These are:

  • Wet cerumen, which is usually a golden-yellow to brown color with a pasty consistency; and
  • Dry cerumen, which is hard and crusty and has a lighter color than wet earwax.


Symptoms for earwax buildup include:

  • Hearing difficulty
  • Ear pain
  • Plugged or a full sensation
  • Ringing in the ear or tinnitus
  • Cough
  • Dizziness
  • Severe symptoms of ear infection
  • Severe pain
  • Drainage from the ear canal
  • Severe itchiness
  • Unusual wax odor
  • Fever 


An ENT specialist can diagnose an earwax blockage through its symptoms and by inspecting the ear with an ear-scope or otoscope.


Treatment for Earwax Blockage

Specialists can extract earwax through:

  • Scooping out the wax with a small plastic spoon called a curette; 
  • Irrigation of the ear with warmed water, sodium bicarbonate, or other prescription-strength ear drops to flush the wax out; and 
  • Extraction through gentle suction using a specialized device.

Earwax Treatment and Self-Care

  • The earwax is softened by putting a few drops of mineral oil, baby oil, hydrogen peroxide, glycerin, or OTC wax softening drops such as “Murine or Debrox” into the ear canal.
  • If the wax is already softened, the patient can use a bulb-type syringe to gently flush the ear with warm water. The water should be lukewarm or at body temperature to help lessen dizziness.
  • Patients can buy over-the-counter kits that combine softening drops with an irrigation system.

Moreover, it would be best to avoid trying to remove the wax blockage using items like cotton swabs or hairpins. And if self-care treatment does not work, contact your healthcare provider.

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