A sacroiliac joint injection is the injection of steroid drugs and local anesthesia towards the sacroiliac joint. Because of the anesthetizing medicine applied during this method, you may encounter short-term pain comfort that lasts for some hours. 

You need to keep in mind that this procedure will not be done if you have a cold, fever, flu, infection, and have high blood pressure. So, it is important to talk to your doctor. 

What are the risks?

As similar to other methods, there is a possible chance of infection, bleeding, or an allergic response to the used medications. Further temporary effects may take place. You may feel some weakness or numbness in your legs due to the local anesthesia or numbing drugs. If this hinders your ability to move or walk, you’ll need to stay in the hospital for a few hours to manage your pain.


Most individuals mention the burning and stinging sensation of the anesthetizing medicine is the most unbearable segment of the procedure that lasts for only a few seconds. However, each reaction will vary with any procedure.


The following are the things you need to follow before the procedure:

  • No food or drinks before the procedure unless your doctor directed. 
  • You can take your medication with a little amount of water.
  • Diabetic individuals must not drink the medication for diabetes until the procedure lasts.
  • Monitor your blood sugar at home before going in.
  • Talk to your doctor about the medications you are taking.

What happens during the procedure?

After your doctor checks you and talks over the advantage and risk of the joint injection, she/he will ask you for the consent form that you need to sign. Then, they will assist you to the X-ray desk to lie down comfortably. The place where the injection will insert will be cleansed with disinfectant alcohol or soap and will be covered. Using the guidance of an X-ray, a needle is moved into your sacroiliac joint. 

How will you feel after the procedure?

Your pain may be better right away after injecting a local anesthetic. Once the medicine disappears, your pain may come back. It is probable to feel some soreness in the area where they inject it and your pain may intensify for one or two days.

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