Methylsulfonium Chloride has a racemic mixture, it is used to protect our gastrointestinal tract from ulceration.

Use this medication precisely as recommended by your physician. Follow the prescription of your doctor carefully.

The medication dose given by your physician is based on your health conditions, other medications or food supplements taken, and your reaction to the treatment. To diminish risks for adverse effects, do not increase your dosage, thus take it regularly, or take it as instructed by your physician. Adverse events may still happen even at usual prescription dosages.

If your physician requests you to use this drug consistently, take it regularly to get the most benefits from it. To make you remember it better, take it at a fixed time every day.

Your doctor may need to modify your dosages to ease your symptoms or if you develop adverse reactions.

Methylsulfonium Chloride is used in the following conditions:

This medicine may be recommended for different uses. Approach your physician or pharmacist for more information.  

Do not use Methylsulfonium Chloride in people with the following conditions:

  • No data have been published yet.

Methylsulfonium Chloride may have the following side effects:

  • No data have been published yet.


  • No data have been published yet.


Methylsulfonium Chloride has no known drug interactions yet. If you believe that you are experiencing an interaction, contact a healthcare provider immediately. 

If an overdose is suspected, call your health care provider immediately.

Available brands:

  • Thiospen
  • Weizel

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