Citrulline antibody is a kind of antibody produced by the immune system that targets the joint protein. It should not be confused with an illness, rather this is an antibody that one’s immune system needs. It is an immune protein that binds an acid inside the body to a non-standard amino acid called citrulline. The said acid is formed when amino groups inside the body are naturally removed from an amino acid called arginine.

Usually, this antibody is most relevant and present in patients that are suffering from an illness called rheumatoid arthritis, wherein the said antibody is used for the treatment of that specific illness that works through the process of healing the inflamed joint.

There are many alternative names for this antibody, which are listed below:

  • Anti-citrulline antibody
  • Anti-cyclic citrullinated peptide antibody
  • CCP antibody
  • Anti-CCP antibody

As for the illness called rheumatoid arthritis, it mostly affects the joints of a patient and is considered as a progressive autoimmune disease.

It is an incurable illness, instead it is being treated through a combination of rest, exercise, and educating the patient about this illness— other forms of treatment include medications, joint protection, and surgeries.


Currently, there are no additional types for this kind of antibody.


Since this is not a sickness, there are no symptoms for having citrulline antibodies inside a patient. However, it is linked with rheumatoid arthritis, which has its own set of clinical symptoms, which are listed below:

  • Joint pain
  • Swollen joints
  • Fever
  • Limping
  • Loss of range of motion
  • Tender joints
  • Loss of joint function
  • Stiff joints
  • Fatigue
  • Joint redness
  • Rheumatoid nodules
  • Anemia
  • Joint warmth
  • Joint deformity
  • Symmetry symptoms


In this case it is not usually called a diagnosis, instead it involves a test wherein a patient suffering from rheumatoid arthritis is tested for citrulline antibodies. This helps doctors to determine the history of inflamed joints in a patient, which are usually undiagnosed on their end.

A test called the rheumatoid factor test (RFT) is done to determine the citrulline antibodies present in a patient suffering from inflamed joints and swelling caused by rheumatoid arthritis.

Another test that is used for determining citrulline antibodies in an infected patient is through the usage of a citrulline antibody test (CAT).


Since citrulline antibodies are not a form of illness, there is no treatment for it. There are a number of available medications and treatment methods that can treat some of the symptoms of patients suffering from the illness where the said antibodies can be found, which is rheumatoid arthritis. However, do take note that said illness itself is untreatable; only some of its symptoms are treatable.

Below are the commonly known medications and treatment methods that are usually effective and recommended for patients with rheumatoid arthritis:

  • Various treatment methods aiming to reduce joint pain and inflammation
  • Various treatment methods aiming to maximize joint function
  • Preventive treatment for joint destruction and deformity
  • Specified medication intake
  • Doctor-recommended resting methods
  • Various joint-strengthening exercises 
  • Various joint-protection methods
  • Both patient and family education about the illness

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