Reye Johnson Syndrome is the worsening of brain disease. A lot of you may wonder what Reye Johnson Syndrome is. This brain disease is considered to be a sporadic disorder that causes severe liver and brain damage. If you do not treat it right away, this may lead to a permanent brain injury or worse, death. This brain disease knowingly affects children and young adults under 20 years of age. 

Experts say the cause of this brain disease is considered to be unknown. But a lot of children recovering from a viral infection are frequently diagnosed with Reye Johnson Syndrome. Reye Syndrome indicates how the mitochondria become damaged. Mitochondria are known for providing cells with energy and are considered to be an essential factor for the liver to function healthily. 

As a result of the advances when it comes to diagnosing patients with Reye Johnsons Syndrome, the majority of patients who are diagnosed with it will survive, and some will recover. Although, some people who are diagnosed with this brain disease sometimes leave people with a degree of permanent brain damage caused by the swelling of their brain.



The symptoms of this brain disease usually start after being diagnosed with a viral infection. You have Reye Johnson Syndrome when you are: 

  • Repeatedly being sick
  • Always feel tired
  • Lack enthusiasm 
  • Energy
  • You have fits or seizures
  • Difficulty breathing

As brain disease progresses, the symptoms may get more severe and hard to handle. These symptoms can include irritability or being aggressive most of the time, you may possess severe anxiety and confusions that may be associated with hallucinations and lastly, you may be in a coma, or you may lose consciousness.



There are different tests done to determine if you have Reye Johnson Syndrome, examples are:

  • Blood and urine tests which identifies if there’s a build-up of toxins or bacteria in the blood. 

These tests can also be used to check if the liver functions normally and is healthy. 

  • CT scan: which can tell if your brain is swelling due to the Reye Johnson Syndrome. 
  • Lumbar puncture in which a sample of fluid is removed from the spine and they use a needle to check if there is bacteria or viruses
  • Liver biopsy where a small sample of liver tissue will be removed and will be examined to be able to look for specific cell changes which are associated with the brain disease.




Once diagnosed with this brain disease, you are immediately required to be admitted at the Intensive Care Unit. The treatment is supposed to minimize the symptoms and be able to support the body’s vital functions like breathing and blood circulation. This is also needed to protect the brain from permanent damage that is caused by brain swelling. The patient must be given electrolytes and fluids to be able to correct the level of salts, minerals and nutrients such as glucose or known as sugar in the blood. The patient is  given diuretics to help the body rid of excess fluid and minimize the swelling of the brain. The patients are also given ammonia detoxicants to reduce the level of ammonia.

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