Micropigmentation may be commonly known as permanent makeup because it is difficult to remove, not because it stays forever. This kind of procedure involves small needles to make pigments onto your skin. It happens that, through this kind of procedure, it helps enhance lips, eyelids, eyebrows, and eyelashes. It can also be used to improve the scars. Skin cells are replaced continuously over time, resulting in the ink fading over time. 


This kind of skin procedure became a trend for some reason. More and more people are diving into its popularity because it saves people time from applying cosmetics, aside from the procedure achieving desired results for both men and women. 


However, there are some misconceptions that people face when considering doing a procedure. Additionally, women under 35 are sometimes not considered as fit candidates for permanent makeup because it is an age where women might not feel comfortable with having a permanent look. 


Having permanent makeup may sound like a solution to achieving the desired look. However, there are precautions and details to know. That is why experts recommend in-depth research and sound decision making before deciding to proceed with the procedure. Lastly, it is always best to have a consultation with your doctor first. 


Micropigmentation is permanent


Yes, but not quiet. You only need one procedure to achieve the desired look. Doctors may require some patients to undergo more than one treatment as the pigment fades over the years. The doctor performs the procedure not only to achieve the desired results you want but also to maintain the look. 


Before you go into another set of procedures, make sure that you understand the number of treatments you need. Ask many questions if there are concerns you need clarification.



Can anyone be a candidate?


As much as possible, people in some conditions are advised not to undergo micropigmentation. Here are conditions that would make one not qualified for the procedure: 


The procedure can be used to men and women who tend to easily hyper pigment; when a person is experiencing a significant life trauma, frequently exposed from the sun or tanning booths, taking prescription medication, and with an existing medical condition. 


Considering this procedure? Make sure to consult your doctor first. Doing permanent makeup is harmless. 


The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) listed primary complications associated with permanent makeup as the following: 


  • Infection
  • Removal problems
  • Allergic reaction
  • Granulomas
  • Keloid formation 
  • MRI complications


Expect some swelling and redness in the treated area after the surgery. In this situation, your cosmetic specialist or plastic surgeon will instruct you on applying ice and the type of ointment to apply in the area. 


Contact your doctor or report to the FDA if you experience these complications.


Your insurance does not cover micropigmentation procedures. Since this is an elective cosmetic procedure, you have to pay it on your own.



Micropigmentation can last by looking after the area which underwent the procedure. The aftercare treatment and for a better result of the procedure includes the following:


  • Avoid sweating
  • Skin treatments
  • Avoid extreme sun exposure
  • Do not use excessive makeup

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