Chronic rhinitis is an inflammation of the nose’s inner lining, while chronic means this inflammation may last a long time. The time span for this condition can exceed for more than four weeks. 

In most cases, chronic rhinitis is triggered by allergies, as well as the following factors: 


Chronic rhinitis falls into two types, depending on what causes the allergy. These are as follows:

Allergic rhinitis is an allergic reaction to specific allergens like: pollen, dust, or pet dander. One’s immune system’s overreaction causes this allergic reaction to the mentioned allergens. 

The non-allergic kind does not involve the immune system of the body. It is usually caused by outside factors such as: Air pollution, cigarette smoke, or other intense odors. 

Non-allergic chronic rhinitis is rarer than the allergic kind. The chronic type appears in about one-fourth of all cases of this condition.  

Both chronic rhinitis types are caused in different ways. If one’s symptoms linger, they should consult a doctor for a precise diagnosis. 

More commonly known allergens behind this condition are as follows: 

  • Ragweed
  • Pollen
  • Mold
  • Dust mites.
  • Cockroach residue

On the other hand, the non-allergic kind that does not include the immune system are, as mentioned, caused by outside factors in the environs: 

  • Perfumes
  • Detergents
  • Smog
  • Cold/dry air
  • The pregnancy and menstruation hormonal change
  • Stress
  • Gastrointestinal reflux (GERD)/asthma

The individual origin of non-allergic rhinitis cannot be found in some people. 

While this is not a life-threatening condition, chronic rhinitis can prove to be an adversary in daily life. It is recommended to avoid what could trigger this condition. However, if this cannot be done, one can take medications, such as OTC decongestants and nasal sprays.



Nasal congestion is the most apparent symptom of chronic rhinitis. The congestion is not a result of mucus presence, but swollen nasal passages.  

Similar symptoms are present in both rhinitis of the allergic and non-allergic kind: 

Experience itching sensations in the facial parts such as, eyes, nose, and throat are present only in allergic rhinitis and discoloration below the eyelids, which can be blue. Allergic rhinitis appears in particular seasons. 

Meanwhile, blue discoloration and the itching sensations in those body parts are not present in the non-allergic kind. The symptoms of this rhinitis are present throughout several years.


Antihistamines can help in treating allergic rhinitis. Treatments of non allergic rhinitis depends on how much it bothers you. Home treatment is advised for those mild cases and avoiding triggers may be enough.

A doctor’s consultation should be done after medicating with over-the-counter (OTC) meds such as decongestants or antihistamines, and still the symptoms are present. 

A doctor’s supervision is needed when one is already experiencing fever or intense pain in the face or sinuses. This is a sign of sinus infection. 

One should disclose to the doctor when they are experiencing these symptoms and the kind of treatment they have taken.

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