Braxton Hicks contractions (BHC) are unpredictable aches and loosening of the uterine muscle. Occasionally, they are described as prodromal or “fake labor” spasms. They are assumed to begin gestation for approximately six weeks but are typically not felt until the second or third session of the prenatal period. Contractions from Braxton Hicks are ways for the body to prepare for actual labour, but they do not mean that work has started or is about to begin.


A common component of pregnancy is BHC. They can be awkward, but they’re not painful. Women characterize BHC as feeling like mild menstrual cramps or a tightening in a particular region of the abdomen that happens repeatedly.


It is possible to distinguish BHC from the contractions of real labour. In span and strength, BHC are sporadic, occur infrequently, unpredictable and non-rhythmic, and are more unpleasant than painful. BHC do not increase in the rate of occurrence, span, or severity, unlike real labour contractions. They also fade and then vanish, only to reappear in the future at some point. The frequency and tension of these contractions begin to shoot up towards the end of the pregnancy. Women frequently mistake BHC for real labour. Nonetheless, BHC do not bring about dilatation of the cervix and do not end up in birth, unlike real labour contractions.


As the muscle fibres in the uterus contract and loosen up, BHC are triggered. The precise aetiology of the contractions or Braxton Hicks is unclear. There are, however, established conditions that cause contractions of Braxton Hicks, for instance when the woman is very busy, when the bladder is loaded, after the sexual act, and when the woman is dehydrated. A common aspect of all these factors is the potential for stress on the fetus and the need for increased blood flow to the placenta to provide fetal oxygenation.


There are no clinical or radiographic examinations to detect BHC. The assessment of the nature of BHC is based on an analysis of the abdomen of the pregnant woman, particularly assessing the contractions.


  • Nausea
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Pseudocyesis
  • Ovarian cysts
  • Hematometra
  • Filled bladder
  • Ascites
  • Amenorrhea
  • Abdominal distention

Advancing health care

Contractions of Braxton hicks are relatively common, and it is essential to be aware that this is not real labour for emergency room doctor labour & delivery nurses, and nurse practitioners. The obstetrician should be taken counsel from if there is any confusion. At the same time, healthcare workers must rule out real labour. It is also important to exclude other organic disorders, including appendicitis, urinary tract infection, or cholecystitis. Any time they experience a contraction, patients with BHC will not needlessly run to the ED with the proper education.



The patient and provider can discuss what the subject may expect during the rest of pregnancy in the middle of the condition. One of the usual events that a woman can experience is Braxton Hicks contractions. Teaching her about contractions from Braxton Hicks will allow her to be aware and, if they arise, it would reduce her nervousness.


For Braxton Hicks contractions, there is no medical care needed. Nevertheless, taking steps to modify the condition that induced the contractions or Braxton Hicks is required. Some steps to relieve the contractions of Braxton Hicks include:

  • Rehydrate by consuming water
  • Loosening up by taking a warm bath, getting a massage, reading a book, listening to music, or having a nap.
  • Modifying position or degree of activity: if the woman has been busy, get her to lie down; if the woman has been sedentary for a long time, encourage her for a walk.

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