Brain damage is an injury that occurs when a person’s brain or brain cells are damaged or deteriorated due to a traumatic or non-traumatic experience. According to statistics by the Brain Injury Association of America, about 2.6 million Americans have some brain injury, and about 52,000 die because of brain injuries every year.

Not all brain injuries are deadly. The severity of brain damage varies according to the cause of injury and other symptoms. Unlike wounds and other body injuries, the brain does not fully repair itself. This is the reason why recovery from brain damage varies. While some may fully recover, others may require assistance to be able to perform their daily activities.


  • There are many types of brain damage or brain injury, but they can be grouped into two categories. These two classes differ based on the nature or cause of the brain injury.
  • Traumatic Brain Injury. A brain injury is caused by an external force such as a blow to the head, fall, or car accident.  Types of Traumatic Brain Injury include:
  • The Closed Head Injury. An injury wherein the external force, mostly a blow, does not penetrate the head but causes brain swelling.
  • Open Head Injury. Also called penetrating injury, is an injury wherein the head is penetrated by a bullet or sharp objects that caused the brain injury.
  • A concussion is an injury that causes brain function impairment.
  • A contusion is an injury that causes bruises or bleeding in the brain.
  • Shaken Baby Syndrome. A kind of injury caused by excessive shaking of a young child. It is also called abusive head trauma.
  •  Acquired Brain Injury. A brain injury caused by non-traumatic events. This injury may be caused by an underlying neurological illness, infection, exposure to toxic substances, or drugs.
  • Anoxic is a lack of oxygen that causes a brain injury.
  • Infections/Inflammations. A brain injury can also be caused by infections such as meningitis.
  • Stroke. The cause of stroke is the loss of blood flow to the brain.
  • Tumor. This may be due to a cancer-related disease.



  • There are many symptoms of brain injury depending on what type of injury it is. The symptoms are classified into four categories.
  • Cognitive
  • Memory loss and other memory problems
  • Difficulty in understanding
  • Difficulty in expressing thoughts
  • Weakened decision-making ability
  • Perceptual
  • Blurred vision
  • Spatial disorientation
  • Affected balance
  • Increased pain sensitivity
  • Affected taste and smell
  • Physical
  • Headaches
  • Extreme fatigue
  • Seizures
  • Sleep disorders
  • Slurred speech
  • Paralysis
  • weakness
  • Behavioral
  • Irritability
  • Reduced stress tolerance
  • Increased aggressiveness


In diagnosing brain damage, the doctor will first review the patient’s symptoms and recall the events that may cause brain injury. To accurately diagnose brain damage and an underlying issue, several tests will be conducted.

Imaging tests such as CT scans can reveal damage in the brain and identify tumors or bleeding. 

Blood tests can reveal infections or electrolyte imbalances that can help identify the injury’s cause, may it be traumatic, or acquired.

Brain evaluations, such as problem-solving and, memory and concentration tests, may also be conducted to assess the brain’s cognition.

Some tests are necessary, depending on the potential cause of brain damage.



The treatment for brain damage varies depending on the type of brain injury and other symptoms. While mild cases may be resolved by prescribing medications such as antibiotics, surgery is necessary for severe issues, especially if there is bleeding, tumors, or sharp objects that penetrate the skull.

After treatment, most doctors recommend the patient to undergo some therapies to improve their condition. This may include occupational therapy, speech, and language therapy, psychotherapy, and physical therapy.

Take note that the patient still needs to visit the doctor from time to time since brain injuries take time to recover.

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