The COVID-19 pandemic can take an emotional toll, especially on people already living with an anxiety disorder. The good news is you can take action to help you get through these stressful times. 

Stay informed but step away from media if needed. Staying informed through credible media sources is important. This will enable you to be apprised of the latest health advisories and community developments. However, if you start feeling overwhelmed, consider limiting your media consumption to a specific time frame and time of day (e.g. 30 minutes each evening at 6 pm).

Focus on what you can control. Worrying over the uncertain future and the many things beyond your control will just drain you physically and emotionally. Instead, focus on reducing your personal risk by practicing proper hygiene, wearing facemasks and face shields when going out, and practicing physical distancing when interacting with others. 

Stay connected, even when physically isolated. Use social media and technology to stay in touch with friends and family. Schedule regular phone calls and video chats with loved ones. 

Talk about positive things in your life. Laugh, share stories, and focus on other things going on in your lives. Enjoy each other’s company.

Take care of your body and spirit. Stick to a daily routine to maintain a sense of normalcy. Allot time for regular exercise. Take time to unwind and do things you enjoy—read a book, watch a movie, play your favorite videogame or board game, meditate or do yoga. 

Help others. Helping others not only makes a difference to your community, it can also support your own mental health and well-being. You can opt to donate cash or goods to underprivileged and at-risk members of your community. If friends or loved ones are panicking or feeling down, cheer them up.  

If you feel overwhelmed and need help or just want to talk to someone about your mental health problems, call the 24/7 NCMH Hotline at (0917) 899-8727 and (02) 8-989-8727.


Reference:,%2C%20meal%2C%20or%20work%20schedule. Accessed 10 September 2020

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