Face lift is a type of surgical procedure done for cosmetic purposes. It is popular in those who want to achieve a younger appearance as it changes the shape of one’s face by removing the sagging folds explicitly found on the jawline and at the cheeks.

In a typical face lift procedure, the skin flaps on both sides of the face are pulled to remove the presence of wrinkles. It will follow the modification of the tissues in the skin as well as the cutting away of excess skin to restore the youthful contour of the face.

Platysmaplasty was also done as part of this surgery which involves the removal of fats and sagginess of the skin in the neck part.

Like other operations, this cosmetic surgery can pose certain complications and risks though these are rare. Below are the hazards that can be acquired through face-lift:

  • Hair loss can happen in the area where the surgery takes place.
  • Sloughing of skin loss due to the interrupted flow of blood in the tissues on your face.
  • Hematoma is among the most common risks in cosmetic surgery which causes swelling in the skin.
  • Scarring which results in the appearance of red, embossed scars from the incisions.
  • Nerve injury which involves the temporary paralysis of specific muscles when the surgery damages some of the nerves. It also can lead to its loss of control that can extend for years. Nerve injury, however, rarely happens in such a surgery.

Several factors that can trigger the above mentioned complications together with infections and harmful anesthesia reaction are as follows:

  • Smoking– this affects the healing of the wounds that you will get as well as the immediate recovery from skin loss and Hematoma.
  • Supplements that have blood-thinning properties– these medications affect the blood clotting process of the body, which is necessary after the surgery. Drugs like aspirin, non-steroid anti-inflammatory medications, and even ginseng may increase the possibility of the occurrence of hematoma in a face lift
  • Repeated weight gain or loss– which drastically affects the success rate of the surgery.
  • Other medical conditions affecting the clotting of your blood


Face lift is categorized based on the type of incision and the preference of the patients. The options are the following:

  • New Lift Incision – this technique starts with an incision on the earlobe down around the ear and lower scalp.
  • Limited Incision – is done with shorter incisions that start in the hairline beside the ear but won’t reach its way in the lower part of the scalp.
  • Traditional Incision – begins the incision at the temples which will go in the front part of the ears and ends just right in the lower scalp. To improve the neck appearance, an incision may also be done at the chin part.


Preparation for a face lift procedure can be meticulous to ensure its success. Among the initial test and examinations includes the following:

  • Review of medical history and physical examinations
  • Analysis of your past and current medications and supplements
  • Q and A regarding the expectations after the face lift
  • Examination of your face including its shape, skin quality, and bone structure


Most of the medications that will be given to you after the surgery are pain relievers prescribed by your doctors. You can alleviate the swelling in your face after the operation by applying cold packs around your face.

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