Patchy hair loss is also called alopecia areata. Hair fall patches might be small but may connect and then become very visible. A weak immune system may cause hair to fall. When the hair follicles are affected by the nervous and  immune system, then the hair falls from the head.

The condition may lead to total baldness. This condition is called alopecia universalis. Patchy hair loss might be a sign of weak immunity.


There are several types of Alopecia areata that might exist on any gender, age, or race. Each class is defined by the level of hair loss and its existing symptoms. Each type is also treated with slight differences.

Alopecia areata (patchy hair loss)

The most notable characteristic of this type is patchy hair loss. This condition can expand and may result in alopecia totalis or universalis.

Alopecia Totalis

It is the total hair loss on the scalp.

Alopecia Universalis

This is the total hair loss on the scalp and the face. The eyebrows, eyelashes, and other hair in the front is reduced or have fallen totally. Also, it may lead to possible body hair loss.

Diffuse Alopecia Areata

This is the sudden thinning of the hair. It does not come in patches in certain parts of the hair in the scalp, but this is a total thinning of hair.

Ophiasis Alopecia

This is the type of hair loss that is characterized by a band along the lower back and sides of the scalp.


Hair loss is the common symptom of alopecia areata. The hair falls from the scalp, forming hairless patches in the scalp.

Hair loss is not limited to the hair in the scalp but also in facial hairs and body hairs.

Clumps of fallen hair might be noticeable on the pillow when you have alopecia. But in some rare cases, total and sudden hair loss may be alopecia totalis or universalis.


Healthcare providers can diagnose alopecia by looking at the level of hair loss. Another way is to examine hair samples under the microscope.

Other ways to diagnose are as follows:

Scalp Biopsy. A sample of the skin on the scalp is taken to determine if other factors are causing hair loss.

Blood testing. A specific blood test determines the type of hair loss. It also helps detect other conditions that rule out alopecia.


Natural treatment is one of the commonly used ways to treat alopecia. The following are examples:

  • Aromatherapy
  • Micro-needling
  • Acupuncture
  • Use of essential oils such as rosemary, tea-tree, peppermint, and lavender
  • Application of aloe-vera, topical gels, coconut, castor, and olive oil on the scalp
  • Intake of supplements rich in probiotics, vitamins like biotin and zinc
  • Low-level laser therapy
  • Regular scalp massage
  • intake of herbal supplements such as ginseng,  chinese hibiscus, and green tea.
  • Direct rubbing of onion extract on the scalp
  • Autoimmune protocol diet which suggests intake of more meat and vegetables

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