Blue light therapy is a pain-free procedure that treats certain conditions that are generally associated with the skin. It uses light as its medium to treat skin conditions.

Photosynthesizing drugs and a high-intensity light activates the photo-dynamic therapy of the blue light. The light used is considered an alternative treatment and is also natural violet-blue light.

This only treats areas that are reached by light or, let’s say, regions that are present or underneath the skin’s surface.


Prevents skin cancer and sun damage

Blue light therapy is the most common treatment for sun damage and skin cancer growth as it removes both precancerous skin lesions and cancerous skin lesions that have not yet spread to the other areas of the body. The photosynthesizing drug present in the photo-dynamic therapy, when applied to the skin, reacts with the oxygen that kills the cancer cells. It is also used as a defense for the immune system.

Prevents the occurrence of acne, scars, and sunspots

This is also used to treat some other types of skin problems as it improves skin texture and also removes unnecessary enlarged oil glands. It can be of great help in removing sunspots, acne, and acne scars.


Blue light therapy is used in the outer part of the body, but it can also be used to treat depression. Disorders like seasonal affective disorder (SAD) are caused by dreary winter weather, isolation and darker days can be treated with light, especially Blue light.

How does it work, and what are its side effects?

Blue light therapy is often done in an outpatient procedure and is usually a rapid process. In the process, the doctor regularly escorts the patient to a dark room and applies the photosynthesizing drug directly to the affected area. Photosynthesizing medicine may need to be on the skin for a couple of hours or even up to days to let the skin absorb the drug. The patient will be advised to stay indoors and to stay out of the sunlight as much as possible with the photosynthesizing drug on. When in the process of treatment, goggles will be used by the patients to protect their eyes. Sessions for this treatment usually go up to 15 to 90 minutes long, depending on the area that is treated.

On the other hand, people with depression will have blue light therapy at home and be used until symptoms resolve back to normal.

There are no long term side effects of blue light therapy when appropriately used. Although, areas treated may be gored, swollen, tender, or blistered after the procedure and the skin may be sensitive to sunlight.

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