Acquired lipodystrophy is a type of lipodystrophy that is not genetic, but instead gained sooner or later during life. It  can be brought about by medicines, autoimmunity or for obscure reasons , known as idiopathic. This type of lipodystrophy can happen during childhood, teens or adulthood. There may be loss of body fat in certain areas of the body, particularly the arms, legs, face, neck, and chest. Now and again, metabolic intricacies related with insulin obstruction can create.


The various subtypes of acquired lipodystrophy include the following:

  • Acquired generalized lipodystrophy or Lawrence syndrome
  • Acquired partial lipodystrophy or Barraquer-Simons syndrome
  • High active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) induced lipodystrophy
  • Localized lipodystrophy



While a wide range of acquired lipodystrophy cause cause a person to lose fat, this effect is unique for every person. The signs and symptoms will differ according to the subtypes.


The person will lose lose fat underneath the skin in the body, such as the face, arms, legs, palms, ans the bottoms of the feet. Veins under the skin may be visible.

Children with AGL have faster growth with a huge appetite. Grown-ups may have enormous hands and feet and a solid, square jawbone if they have hormonal imbalance. They could have bigger than normal sex organs, such as clitoris, ovaries, penis and testicles. It could also predispose to polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). There may also be abnormalities in blood sugar and triglyceride levels.


This usually affects only the chest area, on the two sides. It begins in the face and moves to the neck, arms, and chest.


This resembles a scratch in the skin, however the skin itself appears to be fine. The size can change. It could be in one spot or more. There may likewise be tenderness and pain.


When the patient does to the physician, the doctor will get a medical history and do a physical exam. The doctor will also ask about your symptoms, their onset, accompanying signs and symptoms, a history of diabetes and other health problems.

Body fat testing can be done to confirm the diagnosis.

For a skin biopsy, the physician will obtain a little bit of skin and check the cells under a microscope.

Your physician may likewise look for fat loss through:

  • Skinfold thickness measurements
  • A special X-ray that measures bone mineral density
  • A special whole-body MRI (magnetic resonance imaging)

Blood tests may include the following:

  • Blood sugar
  • Kidney health
  • Fats
  • Liver enzymes
  • Uric acid

If the physician suspects a diagnosis of APL, he’ll check the blood for attack on fat cells. Urine tests may also be done to detect kidney problems.


Since you can’t supplant the loss of fat, you should avoid its complications. One way of doing this is through a healthy lifestyle.



Treatments for AGL may include:

  • Metreleptin injections
  • Statins and omega-3 fatty acids
  • Insulin or other drugs to control blood sugar
  • Alotion or cream to lighten and soften dark skin patches

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