During pregnancy, the umbilical cord carries oxygen and nutrients to the unborn baby. After birth, the umbilical cord is not needed, so it is clamped and cut. This reduces the cord to a stump.

The umbilical cord is clamped following birth. The clamp is expelled before the baby comes home. The stump should tumble off in one to two weeks. When it tumbles off, some blood or fluid may be there. You should keep the stump clean and dry, for it to easily fall off. Utilize a cotton swab with alcohol to clean around the base of the cord three times each day or when dirtied with urine or stool. You may keep on applying alcohol after the stump tumbles off until it is dry.

Try not to give your baby a bath until the cord comes off and the stump has healed. This will take seven to 10 days. Give the person in question a wipe shower.

Roll the nappies lower when the baby moves, as it should not hit the stump.


Call your pediatrician or health care worker if you notice:

  • A bad smell coming from the cord.
  • Redness around the cord.
  • A yellow or greenish discharge.
  • Bleeding.
  • A cord that remains soft and moist.


During healing, it’s expected to see a little blood close to the stump. Much like a scab, the  stump may bleed a little when it comes off.

In any case, contact your infant’s physician if the umbilical stump has a discharge, the encompassing skin gets red and swollen, or the region is wet and pink. These could be indications of an umbilical cord infection. Treatment is expected to prevent the infection from spreading.

Additionally, converse with your infant’s physician if the stump hasn’t fallen off after  three weeks. This may be an indication of a problem, like an infection.


Your child’s umbilical stump falls off and dries within one to three weeks after birth. Meanwhile, treat the area as follows:

  • Keepit clean and Open the stump to air dry it. Keep the front of your infant’s diaper down to keep it from covering the stump.
  • Do sponge baths to keep the stump dry
  • Let the stump fall off by itself. Never pull it off by yourself.

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