bleeding from minor head wound


The face and scalp have many blood vessels close to the surface of the skin. Because of this, minor cuts on the head often bleed profusely. Oftentimes, the injury is not severe but it cause minor head wound bleeding and  will stop with treatment you can do at home; this can often alarm some people. However, one must know the distinction between wounds that are treatable at home and head wounds that require emergency treatment.

When emergency treatment is necessary

Emergency treatment is needed if a cut from a minor head wound is deep enough to have penetrated the skull. Contact emergency services or go to the nearest hospital immediately. Do not apply pressure if:

  • A cut is deep enough to pierce the skull
  • The skull is deformed
  • The injury involves the eye


What are the types of head injuries?

  • A concussion occurs when the impact on the head is severe enough to cause brain injury
  • Diffuse axonal injury
  • Edema
  • A hematoma is a collection, or clotting, of blood outside the blood vessels
  • A hemorrhage is uncontrolled bleeding
  • Skull fracture


Symptoms of head injury may include the following:

  • A headache
  • A spinning sensation
  • Lightheadedness
  • Mild confusion
  • Nausea
  • Temporary ringing in the ears


The Glasgow Coma Scale (GCS) is used by your doctor to assess your head injury. The GCS is a quantitative 15-point test which is used to determine your mental status. If you have a less serious head injury, your GCS score will be high; the opposite is true if you have a more serious head injury.

To diagnose head injuries, imaging tests are often employed. To aid your doctor is looking for fractures, evidence of bleeding and clotting, brain swelling and any other structural damage, a CT scan of your cranium may be ordered. Due to its ease and accuracy, it will be the first type of imaging you will receive. If you are already in a stable condition, an MRI scan will be ordered as it provides a more detailed view of the brain.


Your treatment for your head injury will be tailored according to the severity of your head injury. In minor head injuries, the most common symptom is pain at the site of the injury. This can be relieved by taking the OTC drug paracetamol.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) such as ibuprofen and aspirin must be avoided as it could induce bleeding. If you have an open cut, you might be referred to a surgeon for him or her to close the cut with sutures or staples.

Even though you might have a minor injury, you must monitor your condition, so that you could report any worsening symptoms to your doctor immediately.

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