
Prevent Osteoporosis: Vitamin Supplements You Should be Taking Now

Developing brittle bones is part of aging. However, there are ways to maintain healthy bones despite aging or being at higher risk for osteoporosis. The following are some of the vitamins and nutrients your body needs to keep your bones healthy:


Calcium is an essential nutrient in keeping bones healthy and growing. Nutritionists recommend a daily intake of 1,000 milligrams (mg) of calcium for those people aged less than 50 years old. For people older than 50 years old, they should consume at least 1,200 mg of calcium a day as they are more prone to improper calcium absorption.

Vitamin D

Vitamin D is considered by doctors as an indispensable assistant to calcium in bone building. Researchers found that this vitamin aids in the body’s absorption of calcium. Vitamin D can be easily absorbed by exposing yourself to sunlight for 30 minutes between 10:00 AM and 3:00 PM twice a week.

Vitamin A

A fat-soluble vitamin, Vitamin A influences osteoblasts, or the cells responsible for bone building, and osteoclasts, or the cells breaking down the bones. However, Vitamin A intake should be carefully monitored. A higher amount of this vitamin is also associated with lower bone density and bone fracture.

Vitamin K

This vitamin is also important for the bones’ proper absorption of calcium. A study on bone health and metabolism found that adding Vitamin K into the diet can stimulate bone cells and, in turn, promote better bone health.


Magnesium is another nutrient that supports the proper absorption of calcium. It also works together with calcium in maintaining strong, healthy bones. Doctors recommend at least 300-500 mg of magnesium intake daily. You can get your daily intake of magnesium from nuts, dark leafy vegetables, and whole-grain bread.

Don’t let osteoporosis be a hindrance for you to enjoy your golden years, consult your doctor and start taking these vitamins today!


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-Medical Observer


Two keys to strong bones: Calcium and Vitamin D. Retrieved from https://www.health.harvard.edu/womens-health/two-keys-to-strong-bones-calcium-and-vitamin-d
Managing Osteoporosis: 9 Supplements and Vitamins You Should Consider. Retrieved from https://www.healthline.com/health/managing-osteoporosis/supplements-and-vitamins-you-should-consider
Vitamins for Bone Health. Retrieved from https://americanbonehealth.org/nutrition/vitamins-for-bone-health/
Vitamin K and Bone Metabolism: A Review of the Latest Evidence in Preclinical Studies. Retrieved from https://www.hindawi.com/journals/bmri/2018/4629383/

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